Energy Engineering magazine, the media partner of FPC2018 feature Claytex in the show preview issue of their magazine.
energy engineering magazine – Future Powertrain Cconference 2018 – Show Preview Issue
Systems engineering and simulation
After the successful launch of ‘Vehicle Systems Modelling and Analysis’ libraries or VeSyMA, in May 2017, Claytex has provided models for the simulation of conventional, hybrid and electric vehicles, as well as motorsport applications. VeSyMA offers a set of common vehicle templates with the flexibility to reconfigure subsystems to address any vehicle architecture concept and intends to help designers and engineers combine different aspects – engine, powertrain, suspensions and so forth – of a vehicle architecture. These libraries are available for use in Dymola and are built on the Modelica modelling language.
During the Future Powertrain Conference 2018, Claytex will be presenting two posters on the application of VeSyMA and Dymola in the modelling of dual clutch transmissions and for the design of heavy-duty EV cooling systems. The dual clutch transmission example presented shows how a detailed model can be used to parameterise a much simpler, real-time capable version of the model. FPC2018
A key topic in the development of any electric vehicle is the design and sizing of the cooling system. Claytex worked with a renowned manufacturer on the design and sizing of the cooling system of innovative fully electric heavy-duty vehicles, providing tools, system models and methodology. The modelling and simulation work supported the decision making at various stages of the new technologies development process, from the problem definition to the detailed design, allowing the selection of the optimal solution in a cost-effective way.
A new product range of ADAS workstations, now available from Claytex, will also be showcased during the two-day conference. These are built using rFpro to provide the virtual test environment and support the plugin of vehicle and sensor models developed in a wide range of tools. These workstations are suitable for the development of ADAS and autonomous systems and enable the whole vehicle, including sensors and control systems, to be immersed into the virtual environment. Claytex has already delivered these systems to support the development of autonomous vehicles coupling the virtual environment to the real AI processor that is used in the vehicle.
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